Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Self Diagnosing

I am now on my second pregnancy that I have complained and complained about extreme pelvic pain that can leave me barely able to walk. The first time I was pregnant, when I said anything to anybody, they replied "well, that's being pregnant". So I never told my doctor till I could NOT walk at all one day and we went in. They tested and found I had a UTI. I was put on meds that numbed my insides as well as pain medicine- which helped to get me through the last week. In fact, my last week or so was the best since I was 21 weeks pregnant. So I though, "Oh GOOD! This isn't what being pregnant is like after all!"

Thinking that I had a undiagnosed UTI the last half of my pregnancy which caused the pain, I decided to have another child. I have a new doctor due to our move, so I told her upfront about my past issue so that they would test for UTI's often.
SO, after 20 weeks of puking I started to feel better. For three whole weeks I got to enjoy my pregnancy. Then the pain began again. UGH! I have been complaining to my doctors and nurses this time and while they have been taking my pain seriously, I have not heard a NAME for what I am experiencing. We have eliminated UTI's, and we are now trying many 'tricks' to relieve the pain which include, REST, support belt, sitting on all fours and leaning forward (which results in kicks in my butt by Carson), hot baths, Tylenol, and avoidance of activities that make the pain worse.

Today I decided to research on my own, and I think I've found a possible name for what I'm experiencing. (You KNOW doctors LOVE when patients come in and say "is THIS what's wrong?") Here's what I found:

"SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) simply means that the joint is apparently not working, as it should be. Together with the two sacroiliac joints at the back of the pelvis, the symphysis pubis plays an important part in holding the pelvis absolutely steady during any activity, in any position, which involves the legs. If the joint is not firmly ‘tied’ by all its ligaments it cannot effectively perform its role and excessive strain is placed on all the pelvic joints giving rise to the all too familiar painful symptoms. It is important to remember that the sacroiliac joints are equally affected by the hormones of pregnancy and become slightly looser. It is very common to find that although a woman might be complaining of groin and pubic pain, the main cause of the symptoms is actually at one or both of the sacroiliac joints and this puts extra stress on the symphysis." (

The symptoms for this sound like someone listed my daily pains and causes out. Treatments include all we are currently trying plus anti-inflammatory drugs and pain meds... The list of things to do to manage pain without medications include, avoid lifting (ok I have a two year old), take daily bed rest (I DO rest when Carson does), avoid stairs (Ok, my two year old's room is upstairs), avoid pushing things like grocery carts (OK, we have to EAT), avoid standing and walking as much as possible...OK...

So, bottom line is- Lyla's lucky I thought the UTI was the cause the first time, or I really don't think I would have been able to talk myself into a second baby. I just wasn't made to have babies. But for some reason finding all the info I found made me feel better. At least there are possible causes out there. I've been afraid I'm a wimp. And I really don't think I am. It hurts as bad as labor at a 9. And labor is pretty painful, just ask any mom.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

To potty train or not to potty train???

So, Carson is showing ALL the signs that he is ready to be potty trained. He even goes to the potty (even the big one) at least once a day. The other day I found him naked and holding on for dear life to the big potty. I'd post the pic- but it shows his privates and he may kill me later...He understands the difference between the two and knows what comes out of where. I THINK he is ready. What I can't decide is whether or not it's worth training now or just to let it come more on his own time. I do know that it would be nice and cheaper to only have one kiddo in diapers full time... I just have a lack of motivation because changing diapers is LESS work for me than having him use the potty... He REALLY likes going. He REALLY likes going over and over again. And he'll push something out each time. So I need to figure out a way to get him to go and be done. He REALLY likes stickers- I'm thinking a chart that he can put a sticker on each time would be good because it would get his mind off the fun of flushing the toilet...I've also heard from some to NOT use pull-ups during the day- to just tough it out and clean up the mess since pull-ups allow them to cheat without being too uncomfortable. I'm rambling now. I think I just need to suck it up and try. If he's not ready, I'll wait longer... we do have big kid undies with airplanes on them that make him very happy... Maybe I'll start tomorrow...

Friday, February 12, 2010


So Carson had his first Mardi Gras/Super Bowl weekend. And MAD DID HE LOVE IT!!! We went down to Galveston to meet some Seminole people and got to participate in the Mardi Gras Galveston celebration. We had HOPED C would sleep on our way down there, but he didn't. So we braced ourselves for the worst and got the best! He had SOOO much fun! He LOVED collecting beads, playing with his light saver that was bought for him, and at the end, he even made a friend that he chased around and had sword fights with. He stayed up from 7:30am-9:00pm that day!!! He chanted "PAAARRRTY" all the way home. And was ready for more the next day. On Sunday we went to church and came home to nap, but then took off to two super bowl parties. One at Josh's bosses home and the other with our small group. And of course, he chanted "PAAARRRTY" the whole way to each house. Carson, AGAIN was very sweet and just played and played and stayed up till 9:30 that night! I know, not the most responsible parenting, but it's cool that he is old enough now to be able to stay fun later in the evening. There was a time in his life that he would FALL APART if I had him out past 8! So we slowed down and allowed him to sleep. Boring? Yes!!! But we have a happy kiddo. All in all, we had a FUN weekend, although I was WORN OUT. I think more than Carson-guess I'm gonna have to realize that I AM pregnant and slow my roll! The next day he had to wear his beads to church:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh dear...

SO. I had the day to myself since Carson was at school, and I thought it would be fun to shop for Lyla. When I began buying clothes for Carson, I remember feeling very cheated. The boys section was SOOO small and plain, while the girls section was SOOO big and cute. But I embraced it. I LOVE dressing Carson up like a little man. He has been one of the best dressed kids around. So when I found out I was having a girl, I thought, "well, at least I get to shop for a girl". And that's what I set out to do today. I went to our mall and began roaming through the girls clothes. But there are SOOO many! Girls have pants, shirts, shorts, carpi's, dresses, onsies, shirts, hats, bows, shoes...There is pink, purple, red, white, yellow...Racks and racks of options... I was so overwhelmed. Long story short, I went to five stores and left with just one pair of camo shorts...for Carson.

All this has made me think, while I want a little girl that looks at cute as her brother does, I just don't want to go overboard. It's hard giving away all those clothes only worn once (if worn at all). So I have decided to narrow my search. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy (and I don't mean by spending too much) trying to dress a girl. Lyla will get to spend the first six months of life living in 100+ degree weather- or at least it will feel like it- SO, I'm gonna stick to these little things...

Anyone know what they are called???

I will also buy some cute sun dresses and of course itsy bitty bikini's for the beach. We already have a ton on onsies, so I don't think I'll have to buy those...Oh, and hair things- but the smaller ones- I'm not girly enough for the bows that are as big as the babies head. Although I think they are precious, they just aren't me. And a couple of hats- again for the beach. Then I will start again around October for fall/winter... Maybe I'll feel more confident by then.

On top of all these clothes, Lyla won't be having a shower in Oklahoma because I just can't make the drive, so we will be buying most the things off our registry ourselves. Which is ok. We get 15% off our purchase. Plus any additional Babies R Us coupons I come across.

All in all, my first realization of the day was, girls are SO expensive! And my second, is "I STILL don't think I have enough girl in me to pull this off". Shopping for Lyla was just like shopping for myself- there were too many options and I just ended up in the boys section- they are so much easier to shop for. Which is more fun in my opinion!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who Cares?!?!

Many of my good friends and family are aware that I haven't adjusted to my new life very gracefully...staying at home is not for me, not having people to talk to all day is not for me and missing out on the lake is NOT FOR ME... but I realized yesterday that there is something I think EVERYDAY at least once.

At some point during my day, that normally bores me to death, I look at Carson and think, "Man, I am the luckiest person in the WORLD because he is my kid". Then I realized how cool it is that EVERY mom thinks that. Well, until our kids start to suck that is. But think about it, even if your kid doesn't have some "desirable qualities" like height, athleticism, good hair, good looks, intelligence- YOU, as a mom STILL think “Man, I am the luckiest person in the WORLD because that is MY kid”. I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life that I have felt I am so lucky EVERYDAY. (Sorry Josh, I love you, but let’s admit it, we BOTH know who we would be married to before we had the “I am the luckiest boy/girl in the WORLD” thoughts EVERYDAY about THAT….)

I think that this realization of my good luck may be why I have stopped caring so much about other things in life that I used to care about. Like what people think about my appearance- “WHO CARES!?!? Carson doesn’t mind looking at me”- or my house-“WHO CARES!?!? Carson lives here with me”- or what I drive “WHO CARES!?!? I get to drive Carson around in this”- or how much money we have- “WHO CARES!?!? I spend what I have on Carson”- or what I smell like- “WHO CARES!?!? JUST KIDDING! I still care about that! Although I have gone to work smelling like puke- but “WHO CARES!?!? It’s CARSON’S puke”.

All this being said, maybe this is why we have children, so we can feel lucky EVERYDAY. Maybe it’s selfish, whatever, I like how it feels, it makes me happy, and I let Carson know everyday how lucky he makes me feel to be his mom. I just hope I feel the same about Lyla…:)