So I seem to blog about poop quiet often. In fact one time, the "Crap Blog Detector" commented on my blog, he said I must be "terribly dull to have to blog about poop", while I agree, my first thought was "WELL, you are the CRAP blog detector" I was honestly momentarily confused that someone may just like blogs about crap. If you are new to my blog, here is the link to the first poop blog:
Anyway, yes. I blog about poop. But my life involves a LOT of it. One day, Lyla pooped in THREE clean diapers in a ROW! We'd change her, pick her up, she'd poop, we'd change her, pick her up, poop, we'd change get the picture. And really, this is my life most mornings, she only likes to keep a clean diaper for oh, two minutes...Jaxon poops all over my yard, which results in me cleaning poop off the bottom of shoes and picking it up out of my yard. Carson poops a lot also. I'm pretty sure I found some dried up on my wall the other day. That's just nasty. And these days Carson is totally preferring to poop in the potty. Which leads me to my first story.
I left Josh alone during bath and bedtime the other day to go get my hair done. I was pretty worried, but Josh assured me he was fine. "Ok", I thought, "he is the dad"... So I left. And only checked in once, and J said it was all going fine and to enjoy myself. When I got home I got the REAL story.
Like I said, C likes to go in the potty to poo. So he told Josh that he had to go poo. Josh, who was holding a screaming Lyla, said "ok buddy, let me put Lyla down", but when he turned around, Carson had already began. Well, apparently, Josh didn't CONFIRM what C meant when he said "go poo poo". I know that means two things, one, "I want to go poo poo", two "I just went in my pants." Unfortunately for Josh, C meant number two. Josh walked into the bathroom to find Carson climbing onto the potty streaming the poo, that WAS in his pants, all over the toilet. Carson was also in the process of "wiping" which meant poo was on his hands also. SO. Josh grabed him up and just guess what he did! He put him in MY BATHTUB!!!! And apparently, there was some left over poop on his bottom that fell out IN MY BATHTUB! BTW, Lyla is still screaming through all of this and was brought into the bathroom and put in her boppy to witness. There was more to this story, but I think I stopped listening when I started imaging poop IN MY BATHTUB.
But Carson DOES go poo in the potty quiet a bit. And when he does, we sing a little song, "Carson poo pooed in the potty, poo poo in the potty, YEA Carson!" Well, the singing of this little song leads to my next story.
Josh took Carson into a bathroom at a gas station. J walked in to find the urinal (spelling? I have never tried to spell that word before) taken up by two large truckers. So Josh leads Carson into the stall. He doesn't bother shutting the door, I guess cause guys just go in front of each other, gross. Anyway, Josh asks Carson to stand back and to not touch anything. Josh continues to go pee- NO NOT POO! About half way through J's potty break, he hears "YEA DADDY! Pee pee in the potty! Pee pee in the potty! Yea Daddy!" And of course, he also hears the truckers, laughing and mocking "yea Daddy! Pee pee in the potty!" Of course, Josh misses the potty b/c he is laughing so hard at the whole scene. FUNNY!
SO, poop, I feel is QUIET entertaining Mr. Crap Blog Detector.