WOW! I haven't blogged since August. Of course, I'm not surprised... I've hardly had time. So, time for some updates.
C is loving Kindergarten. Other than starting off a little bored with the curriculum and having an issue getting in trouble talking, he is doing really well. He is reading short stories, and has started reading some on his board books at home. He is turning into a pretty hard worker at home too. He loves to do his homework and read his readers. He works on homework after school everyday if we are home and every morning over breakfast. Let's hope he continues to be so disiplined.
Lyla LOVES LOVES LOVES "class." She is still in Mothers Day Out, and this year is SOOO different from last year. Last year I left her crying most days. I was reassured daily that it only lasted a couple of minutes, but the guilt was HUGE. This year she rushes ME to get her to class, goes to bed every night excited about class, and I barely get a hug in before she's off to "play play play."
Lyla is REALLY getting into her friends. She has several "best friends" they are LilliAnn, Quinn (aka 'Twin"), Bella, and she "really likes Garrett." She still doesn't speak that clear, and I'm kind of ok with it. I LOVE that she "sucks on her finKers" and that everything ends with es "shoeses, forkes, spLoones." I love it. She still sucks her finkers and 'scratches' on her blankie. I'm starting to discourage the fingers however, since she is getting major calluses, and her middle finger is getting crooked. Seriously. Over all, Lyla is just LOVE. She colors for everyone she knows, gives kisses, hugs, and tells us like 1099 times a day that she "just loves" us.
Both kids are in soccer now. Carson is really getting pretty good. He is starting to look like he actually knows how to play. Lyla on the other hand mainly picks flowers. She cried at practice last night because a boy took the ball from her during an SCRIMMAGE. We will be finishing up this season and do something like ballet... She is just so small that the big kids really intimidate her.
That's all for now- I have to go work on something that WILL be worth a longer blog... ;)