Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Update on #2

Some of you may have noticed, I've started calling baby girl #2 again...this is b/c my crazy pregnant brain has started doubting the name choice. We origninally chose Lyla because Carson started saying it over and over when we brought it up at dinner. We then found out it means "island girl" and I was SOLD!. I then saw that it was the first girls name I had written down on CARSON's name list before we knew he was a boy. But now I'm wondering about such a girly girly name. I'm worried that by giving her this name that I am laying the ground work for her to become a stripper. I'm worried that she won't fit her name at all. Maybe this is all coming from the fact that I'm a Kendall. My name so UN-girly that I was regularly placed in the boys dorm at camp, my online students STILL call me Mr. Rogers, my mail comes to Mr. and Mr. Josh Rogers sometimes...see my point. Despite all the confusion, I think my name fits me. I certainly could NEVER pull off being a LYLA, so I wonder if #2 will be able to.

Of course, it's not like I have a name in mind that is much different. The only other one I'm running through my mind is Kyla. I figure that would be easy to fix my monogrammed gifts and the letters I made for her wall. And we could call her Ky for short. But I can't think of a middle name I like with it. I don't like Kyla Kade. But I do like Carson & Kyla.

So I'm confused. I don't want Carson to have to learn a new name- he has troubles w/ K's, I don't want to hurt friends feelings who put Lyla's name on gifts, and I don't want her to wish I had chosen the OTHER name, which ever that may be.

But there are things going on besides the name. I think I have decided to have a second C-section if she isn't here by April 16th. I really don't want to END UP in a c-section again. Last time I was too tired to remember much about holding Carson for the first time. I'm going to try for the VBAC if I go into labor naturally, but if I don't, then I'm going to take advantage of the convenience of a planned c-section. Then I won't worry about Carson. Who is STILL my number one priority. Plus I'm in so much pain daily that a c-section will hurt less...

Like I said earlier, I am not able to eat much any more which is resulting in me feeling more wiped than ever and having spells that make me see stars. I'm having nausea again, reflux like crazy, indigestion, and having pretty bad Braxton Hicks- last night they kept me up till 2:30. I wasn't convinced I wasn't in labor, but I didn't want to wake anyone up for a false alarm. Obviously I made the right call, I'm STILL pregnant.

I'm still walking or working out on the eliptical. Which hurts, but it hurts if I don't also. So might as well enjoy the nice weather we've been having and ATTEMPT to stay in shape. So that's where we stand. With just under one month MAX left!

Here are some pics of the progress for those who don't have facebook and enjoy seeing someone get fat... you know that's why you look at pregnant people feel better about yourself :)

18 weeks (I'd be happy to only be this big again!)

21 weeks

25 weeks

30 weeks

35 weeks


  1. My belly is seriously 2x's as big as yours!! So glad you had fun with your brother!

  2. I wouldn't even ask if you were pregnant if I saw you on the street! You are tiny!
