Tuesday, August 24, 2010

26 Days Later

We have been back in Oklahoma for 26 days now, and I am finally feeling like myself again. In the past 26 days I have packed up everything we need in two cars and moved into my grandmothers lake house at Eufaula, spent one week, then packed all we need up in ONE vehicle for a trip to Duncan, then back to Eufaula, I've gone back to work in Seminole for two days of in service, then packed everything back up for a weekend- turn week- in Norman, back up again to go to Eufaula- then AGAIN to Norman this past Monday. We are currently in Norman until I figure out a game plan in Seminole or move into my Shawnee home that doesn't really exist....

In the last 26 days, I have made a decision to send Carson AND Lyla to Mothers Day Out, had a breakdown because I just CAN'T send Lyla to mothers day out. Decided to live with my mom for a while to avoid L in MDO, which was/is scary for both of us,:)started my Stella & Dot business, (TRUNK SHOW THIS FRIDAY, the 27th) decided to put my PhD on hold for now, (I'm thinking I need to get basic, food, water, shelter, INTERNET needs met before taking that on), Josh started a new job, I returned to my old job teaching a new class, helped a friend get settled in a new home, celebrated two birthdays, continued pumping for Lyla, and have ATTEMPTED to keep my training for my half marathon on track. I'm wiped. All of this is a lot easier when you aren't living out of suitcases or trying to control your toddler in other people's homes. Any guesses on how many times I've said "that's not ours to break!!"???

I have come to the conclusion that God is teaching me a lesson. He is trying to teach me the be less of a nomad. I've stated before that I've moved some 16 or 17 times since 1998. He is trying to make me so sick of packing stuff up that I'll never do it again. And his lesson is working! I swear, if my house sells, and I can get moved to Shawnee, I WILL NOT MOVE FOR AT LEAST 8 to 10 years! If anyone even hears of me CONSIDER it without an emergent situation, slap me!

The last 26 days has given me a LOT of "Mommy Guilt". I feel so sad when my Carson shows people his new room each week. It's sad. Or when I forget to brush his teeth b/c we are out of our routine and I dont see his toothbrush to remind me. Or when I don't see my lil bit in the morning b/c I have to leave 1.5 hours before I normally would for work and stay longer. Carson wants to be potty trained, but "it's not our house to pee on". Carson wants his train, his room, his dog... ugh. guilt. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that we made this decision for them. We wanted them to be around family. AND BOY ARE THEY!

And to top it all off, I only have three pairs of shoes, two pairs of jeans, and two pairs of dress pants. I packed it all up to stage my house, never thinking it would STILL be on the market.

And I need Lyla's Social Security card. You don't think of packing your kids social before you move. Or I don't. Now it's 8 hours away and she needs insurance... My friend Amanda looked every where we could think of. So if any other Katy people read this and would like to dig through all my belongings, I'd appreciate it...

26 days later, and despite all the stress and frustration, we are happy. Josh is Josh again. He likes his job, I like my job, we see those we want to see most, we are missing NO birthdays, (we have THREE Saturday and another on Sunday) we will be going to all the football games we have tickets for. I've been at the lake so much that I'm over it. We are very excited to REALLY start our new life.


  1. All the moving is probably a lot more fun for Carson than you think. My husband moved a lot as a kid and he has very fond memories of it. Sounds like you are a great mom and there is really no need to feel guilty.

  2. When I saw your babes on Sunday they looked brilliantly happy! I promise you will look back on this time and smile. "Remember how crazy that was?" I'm excited you are back home. Can't wait to get together again!
