Monday, November 15, 2010

I hope I'm not alone here...

I try to be a good mom. I REALLY LOVE spending time with my kids. In fact, I love it so much, that I've gotten to the point that I don't really want to do things if my kids can't be a part of it. I used to LONG for nights out- days off- but not so much any more. I think with my second, I'm seeing how it all passes too fast and I don't want to miss a second. I mean, they sleep all the time, so I get breaks.

Anyway, during the time I spend with them, we watch too much TV, and on TV, I see ads for Nick Jr's or Sprouts website where you can find all these craft ideas. For two years now, I've been thinking, "I really need to craft more with Carson. And bake character cookies and decorate them. We'd have fun. I love hanging out with my kids..." So, today I started. I went to Nick Jr with Carson, he chose the TV show craft he wanted. I printed off supplies, we went upstairs to his craft table, and we began making Team Umizoomi paper chains.

This is where things got ugly...

I'll just tell you right now there is a reason I don't teach young kids. I have no patience. I feel if they are old enough to back talk you, then they should be old enough to follow simple instructions. I feel if they are old enough get themselves dressed, then they should be able to cut a strip of paper that I am holding, without cutting my fingers. Long story short, I asked Carson if he was having fun and he said "no". He could tell I was frustrated. It felt like more work than fun. I don't think we need to add a stove to the mix tomorrow.

I really hope I'm not alone in this. I mean, it APPEARS that all mom's (especially stay at home's) happily craft and bake with their kids all day. But I just don't have the patience. I don't really even have the patience to play blocks or Lego's. It drives me CRAZY that he rarely lets me finish what he wants me to build then really drives me nuts when all he wants to do it knock down my hard work. UGH! I don't like dumping toys all over the room, I don't like playing with something for two minutes and moving on, I don't like diving head first off my couch. I don't like coloring with ALL the colors dumped out...What's wrong with with one at a TIME? What's wrong with ME? It's seems all other mom's do like this. And ENJOY it... I get frustrated and think "THIS is why I pay to send you to Mothers Day Out. So THEY can teach you to craft". I could NEVER home school...

I LOVE providing opportunities for exploration and learning. I LOVE explaining things to him, showing him new things. I LOVE seeing his face when he sees something for the first time. I love zoos, museums, inflatable zones, reading books, sporting events, I do NOT like Legos. I do not like coloring outside the lines. AND I DESPISE toys that are small with lots of pieces. He doesn't play with them. He dumps them Every. Where. He. Can.

So, anyone have advise for what's wrong with me? Or are all mom's secretly hating crafting and doing it anyway?


  1. HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! I LOVE this!!! This should've been my post :) I hate coloring outside the lines as well! There's been lots of times when I wanted to do crafts with Reid, but we've had similar experiences. He loves to help me cook so I tried to let him help me stir the lasagna sauce the other night and I was so frustrated because he wouldn't move his spoon and it was taking us like 30 minutes just to stir it. He threw a fit when I made him get down off the cabinet because I couldn't stand the red sauce flying everywhere! And I told Jeb the same thing a few days ago...about the small pieces. Jeb's dad got Reid this block set with these small lego things and I hate it! You can't keep up with the pieces and I don't have the patience to sit down and build it with him. so're not alone!

  2. You are so not alone. :)

    I love to craft, and I am secretly hoping that someday my boys and I can at least color together without me wanting to rip the crayon out of their hand and do it for them!

    Until then...

  3. No, dear Kendall - no one likes those things. I do crafty things with my kids & we bake, but it's all about learning the parts they can do without wrecking up stuff. The more involved the project, the more prep work for you... We did alot of "collages" when Nat was little - cut up construction paper into random little shapes (lots of them) and give them to her with a paper to glue them onto and a glue stick. WE eventually moved up to cutting out pictures from magazines. While she did that, I would make a pretty paper frame or something that she could put her art in after. And if you must bake, pudding is a good place to start - get a bowl that is much bigger than the pudding. :)

    ~Katy H
