9 month intervals have been big ones in my life. Josh and I dated 9 months before getting engaged, we were engaged 9 months before we got married, I work for 9 months of the year (well 8 since we get off at Christmas), I was OBVIOUSLY pregnant with C & L for 9 months, and now we've had Lyla in our life for NINE MONTHS!
I can't believe it's been 9 months and at the same time, I can't believe it's ONLY been 9 months! WOW.
Since I regularly give updates on development, growth and my love for her, I thought I'd instead share how our life has changed the last 9 months since adding a second child.
To start, NOTHING is as clean any more. With Carson, I would clean the living room and bathroom up every night, so that we could have some toy free time in the evening. THAT goes out the window most nights. We no longer have super clean high chair trays every time we eat... I'm usually just content if there is not food left on it. Carson's little place mats are also rarely clean. Heck, my CHILDREN are now rarely clean. We used to give C a bath EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. NOW, we seem to forget with the hustle and bustle of bedtime. In fact, I've started having to make a HUGE effort to remember to give them a bath every other night.
Carson NEVER slowed me down. He and I bounced around EVERY where together, but now with two, I honestly rethink most outings. It's not that they are hard, it's just that it's not as enjoyable to go run around on my own with two babies. I no longer grocery shop with children. When it was just Carson and I, we would shop as I would calmly show him all the different foods and tell him their names, now I go by myself, and at much later, or earlier hours.
The TV time used to be regulated, now I need her help(yes it's a her). If C can be entertained and give me a minute to shower, change Lyla, cook dinner, I am just thankful. After all, he IS learning Spanish from Dora... Something I would have never taken time to teach. AND Nick JR IS preschool on TV... (yea right, I know) We spend a LOT more time in our PJ's than we used to. When I just had one, I'd hope up, get myself ready, get him ready and have our day. But now, the chances of all three of us being dressed at the same time (on days I don't work) are really pretty rare.
I used to never KEEP toys in our living room, now there is no room anywhere else! With two kids, toys are coming out of my ears! I used to spend any free time shopping for Carson. Now, I just get frustrated because they grow so fast and the clothes cost so much money. At least where I like to shop... I seriously have bought like 10 things on my own for L. Aside from hair bows. And C now relies on birthday and Christmas for the majority of his clothes. I figure they will care someday and I will get back into it by then!
I no longer sleep past 7:30. EVER. Carson would sleep until at LEAST 8, but Lyla starts squeaking around 6:30 most days. She also goes to BED by 6:30 and there is no stopping here, SO we are home a LOT earlier than we used to be. If we go out to dinner, it could look more like a late lunch...
I now just sit on my floor and watch my kids play. I never really did this with Carson. Honestly, it bored me to death. But once again, they grow SO FAST. So I take time daily to just sit, watch and ENJOY!
I also find myself needing time away from my kids less than ever. Since adding Lyla, I have seemed to embrace being a mother more. Once again, the due to the rapid pace they grow at, has made my desire for time away from them less and less. Sure, I could go out with some friends OR I could spend time making lifelong memories with my family. I choose my family. Of course, I am also working again. So I get my time "off" doing a job that I enjoy. So when I am home, I have patience and appreciation for my time with my children.
I am NO LONGER ready for the next phase of my kids development to hurry up and get here. That changed on April 16, 2010, when I saw that sweet little bitty baby girl for the first time and remembered Carson at that age. Then I looked at him and he looked HUGE! His hands were huge, his feet were huge, his BODY was huge! At that moment I began wanting time to stop. I no longer hurry them or push them to get to the next step. It will happen soon enough. And even then it will be too soon.
I have LOVED the last 9 months with Lyla. They have also been excruciating at the same time. She just keeps growing. And she breaks my heart with every new development.
Here are some more pics I took of her on her 9 month birthday: