Josh "surprised" me this year with an early Christmas present. I write "surprise" because he is the worst EVER at "surprises". The morning of the surprise, he asked me what was for dinner, when I told him, he said, "eh" strange and I got suspicious. Then when I was getting dressed for work, he suggested I not wear jeans. And that did it. By the time I got in my car I knew, he had gotten me Trans Siberian Orchestra tickets. And when I got home from work, he had sitters all lined up and off we went! He wasn't too happy I figured it out, but he was happy by the end of our dinner at the Melting Pot. That place is FAN-TAS-TIC! We really enjoyed 2/3's of the concert. I loved the Christmasy part, but then it got a little too 80's hair band for us. BUT, it was still a GREAT show and dang near 3 HOURS of entertainment. I had been wanting to go there for so many years and we just kept letting it slip by us. I am very thankful my sweet husband didn't let it slip by again.
Our actual Christmas celebrating began on December 18th. We had my dad and his side of the family over for a "Dumplin' Christmas". Actually, I just made up that name, but I think I'll use it again next year. Josh made Chicken & Dumplins from my families cookbook, I made 2 pies, 1 edible, also from the book, AND cheese garlic biscuits, again all from the family cookbook. My grandmother De brought wine and her ever so yummy cheese balls, and we had a great time! Carson got a "BOUNCY THING" (bounce house) from my Dad. He was THRILLED! He asks for it everyday! My cousins little boy was also down so the boys had a ball in the backyard bouncing and bouncing. My aunt Vicki even got in for some bouncing fun. Everyone stayed and chatted most the day before having to leave. Once everyone left, we began cleaning and regrouping, because we had another Christmas the next day.
On the 19th, we headed to Duncan for the Cox/Darter Christmas(Josh's grandpa and his sister's families). Once that was over we went to Kathy's (Josh's mom's) for Christmas with that family. We had a great time watching Carson and "Lyla" open their presents. They got all kinds of cute clothes and fun toys. This night was also special to Josh, because he got to be together with his family, including his grandfather, for what may have been the last time.
The next week was a break. Other than our advent activities of course. Then on the 24th we headed up to my mom's for Christmas with her followed by Christmas dinner with her family. We had another great day watching the babies open gifts and catching up with family. My aunt and uncle and cousin from Texas were in town, so that was really great. Once again, my kids got a TON of great gifts that I'm not sure if they were really good enough to deserve ;)
THEN. On Christmas day. WE STAYED HOME! We had an absolutely WONDERFUL morning, seriously, the WHOLE morning, from 7:30-11:00! We actually had to wake Carson up at 7:30 because Lyla woke up at 6 and she was getting tired. Santa came to see the kids again, and was extra good to them. And we don't buy for our kids during the year, so we like to be extra good to them on Christmas also. C was too sweet always passing out gifts, and showing interest in what the rest of us got. And of course, always playing with every toy he got or his sister got before moving on to the next ones. We enjoyed bubble bread and coffee, a visit from my dad, naps in the afternoon, a trip to Midwest City to see lights, and our annual holiday Hold Em game. I can't say it's our annual Christmas game, but my brother and I have been playing over either Thanksgiving or Christmas for years, so we are glad we snuck it in there. We had friends who weren't able to go home for Christmas over, so it was real nice.
Sunday we had more guests. Josh's mom and grandmother came down to see what the kids got for Christmas. We had a nice time visiting that afternoon. Then the next day was time for Christmas removal, because we had a birthday to celebrate.
The 27th, I removed ALL signs of Christmas and got ready for C's BDay party. I like to attempt to make my kids cakes, so we also had THREE Walmart trips getting that all done. On the 28th, the bid day, Dillon and I decorated during their naps, then everyone arrived around 2. We had one last family celebration at home. I thought I could save money one last time before he realizes he's getting screwed. However, I think I spent just as much between the cake, decorations, snacks, drinks, etc.......
All in all, GREAT CHRISTMAS! I am so excited we took the "Stay at Home" plunge this year. We will have more fun every year! Here are some pics of our celebrations!
On Christmas night we look at lights, this year in MWC, Lyla was NOT excited. It was bedtime:

They love to wrestle:

Playing firman-doctor:

We have our traditional bubble bread, remains on face:

He wants to be a doctor:

Lil Bit and her kitchen her daddy got her:


Explaining to C that gifts are for certain people, not just for anyone he hands it to:

Funny face:

Buzz and Woody:

Love those legs and feet!

HELP! I'm falling!

Sweet girl and her favorite gift from her Great Grandma:

He wanted a blue boat, this is all Santa could find in blue, but he loved it:

My babies:

I was in Lyla's way:

We had a lot of snuggle time because C slept in, ON CHRISTMAS:

Daddy feeding L:

Christmas at KK's:

Ready to go to Duncan for Christmas:

Christmas w my dad's family:

Sweet PJ's:

Sweet PJ's:

Sweet PJ's:

Sweet PJ's:

He LOVES airplanes:


My dad got him a BOUNCY THING! He was PUMPED!
He got a pirate outfit at Kammies!
Christmas songs by the fire:
Carson even got to play:
Christmas party:

C doesn't like to smile right for pics any more... :(
C and two of his great grandmothers:
He loves horns!
Cake I made:
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