Thursday, April 28, 2011


Just had to take a minute while C is eating yogurt to vent about how thankful I am to be leaving for work in 1.5 hours. I'm about to blow. C is being extra- well extra THREE today. He is hovering over me at all times. Pulling on my earring while saying "It's ok Mama, I'm just touching." Or putting his foot on my face saying, "It' ok Mama, I'm just putting my foot on your face." I have answered 1,998 questions today about ridiculous stuff. I've attempted to talk on the phone with my doctor, only to be interrupted non stop with "Mama Yatch" (watch) "Mama Yatch. Mama YATCH!" When I got off the phone and said "What is it?" Carson proceeded to throw himself down on the ground... REALLY??? THAT'S WHAT YOU ACTED LIKE A COMPLETE BRAT TO SHOW ME???

It took me 20 minutes to put on 2 minutes worth of make-up due to "MAMA YATCH!" every 30 second. I'd go out of the bathroom and say "What baby?" and he's kick a leg in the air- while laying down- not even while standing up- and he's say "Isn't that AMAZING?!?!" All my power not to say "No. That's dumb. And I walked across the house for that trick TEN TIMES IN A ROW. It wasn't amazing a SINGLE time!" But I said, "AMAZING" like a good mom should.

But does a good mom really think "YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY CHILD!!!"??? I can't get him to go play- he has the world upstairs- but he wants to be here with me. ON me. FEET IN MY FACE!

I love him. But, one hour 25 minutes left...I'm thankful.

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