Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One of those days.

I am having one of "those" days that normal mom's probably don't like to admit to having. You know the days that you look at the children, who you love more than anything, but can't help but to feel like you are being punished....Your head is pounding due to the constant screaming coming from the two babies, who you always imagined would play together happily... or not. You are wiping snotty noses, kissing boo boos, asking them not to hit each other, not to throw their balls at your face, not to dive off the couches head first, to please eat their breakfast. You are still in the clothes you slept in, teeth unbrushed, no breakfast, too little coffee, hair a mess, and you just want to scream "What happened to my LIFE?!?!" To top it all off it is boiling hot outside, so you can't send them outside AND the city's water lines busted so you can't even turn the sprinklers on to let them play. So there you are. Head pounding. Stinking. Hungry. Comforting crying babies. Fighting back your own tears. Feeling like you are the worst mom in the whole wide world. Then one little baby comes up to you and says, "Mom. Why are you so grouchy today?" And you sit down on the floor with them and tell them, "because you guys are SO loud." And that little baby says, "Oh. Well, I'll be quiet to make you better." Kisses you on the head and skips off.

And with that, you regain the patience to continue.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kendall - you are right. We all have those days. They are usually followed by the "Wow, if my friends knew what was happening in my house and what I was thinking about these children, they would probably disown me" days. Thanks for your honesty.

    ~Katy H.
