Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here we grow again

9 month intervals have been big ones in my life. Josh and I dated 9 months before getting engaged, we were engaged 9 months before we got married, I work for 9 months of the year (well 8 since we get off at Christmas), I was OBVIOUSLY pregnant with C & L for 9 months, and now we've had Lyla in our life for NINE MONTHS!

I can't believe it's been 9 months and at the same time, I can't believe it's ONLY been 9 months! WOW.

Since I regularly give updates on development, growth and my love for her, I thought I'd instead share how our life has changed the last 9 months since adding a second child.

To start, NOTHING is as clean any more. With Carson, I would clean the living room and bathroom up every night, so that we could have some toy free time in the evening. THAT goes out the window most nights. We no longer have super clean high chair trays every time we eat... I'm usually just content if there is not food left on it. Carson's little place mats are also rarely clean. Heck, my CHILDREN are now rarely clean. We used to give C a bath EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. NOW, we seem to forget with the hustle and bustle of bedtime. In fact, I've started having to make a HUGE effort to remember to give them a bath every other night.

Carson NEVER slowed me down. He and I bounced around EVERY where together, but now with two, I honestly rethink most outings. It's not that they are hard, it's just that it's not as enjoyable to go run around on my own with two babies. I no longer grocery shop with children. When it was just Carson and I, we would shop as I would calmly show him all the different foods and tell him their names, now I go by myself, and at much later, or earlier hours.

The TV time used to be regulated, now I need her help(yes it's a her). If C can be entertained and give me a minute to shower, change Lyla, cook dinner, I am just thankful. After all, he IS learning Spanish from Dora... Something I would have never taken time to teach. AND Nick JR IS preschool on TV... (yea right, I know) We spend a LOT more time in our PJ's than we used to. When I just had one, I'd hope up, get myself ready, get him ready and have our day. But now, the chances of all three of us being dressed at the same time (on days I don't work) are really pretty rare.

I used to never KEEP toys in our living room, now there is no room anywhere else! With two kids, toys are coming out of my ears! I used to spend any free time shopping for Carson. Now, I just get frustrated because they grow so fast and the clothes cost so much money. At least where I like to shop... I seriously have bought like 10 things on my own for L. Aside from hair bows. And C now relies on birthday and Christmas for the majority of his clothes. I figure they will care someday and I will get back into it by then!

I no longer sleep past 7:30. EVER. Carson would sleep until at LEAST 8, but Lyla starts squeaking around 6:30 most days. She also goes to BED by 6:30 and there is no stopping here, SO we are home a LOT earlier than we used to be. If we go out to dinner, it could look more like a late lunch...

I now just sit on my floor and watch my kids play. I never really did this with Carson. Honestly, it bored me to death. But once again, they grow SO FAST. So I take time daily to just sit, watch and ENJOY!

I also find myself needing time away from my kids less than ever. Since adding Lyla, I have seemed to embrace being a mother more. Once again, the due to the rapid pace they grow at, has made my desire for time away from them less and less. Sure, I could go out with some friends OR I could spend time making lifelong memories with my family. I choose my family. Of course, I am also working again. So I get my time "off" doing a job that I enjoy. So when I am home, I have patience and appreciation for my time with my children.

I am NO LONGER ready for the next phase of my kids development to hurry up and get here. That changed on April 16, 2010, when I saw that sweet little bitty baby girl for the first time and remembered Carson at that age. Then I looked at him and he looked HUGE! His hands were huge, his feet were huge, his BODY was huge! At that moment I began wanting time to stop. I no longer hurry them or push them to get to the next step. It will happen soon enough. And even then it will be too soon.

I have LOVED the last 9 months with Lyla. They have also been excruciating at the same time. She just keeps growing. And she breaks my heart with every new development.

Here are some more pics I took of her on her 9 month birthday:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Epic FAIL!

I'm not going to lie, I have never used this term. I am not even sure if I am using it right. I now know how my parents felt trying to keep up with our lingo. But I am pretty sure, "Epic Fail" is how I would describe my parenting this weekend.

You see, I am jus tnot feelign well. Not bad enough to stay in bed or anything, just not good. I am fighting a cold and not winning. And my kids seem to make it worse. I know. HORRIBLE thing to say. But if you think that bad, then stop reading!

The last three days it seems I can't get my kids to bed soon enough. I don't want to play with them. I don't want to play repeat and answer the question. I just want Carson to talk with an INSIDE VOICE. I do NOT have patience for Carson to "do it mine self" and I don't feel like tempers. I JUST DON'T FEEL GOOD ENOUGH.

Every night I have put them down a little early and then done NOTHING. Well, nothing except feel bad for rushing them to bed and not enjoying them. Afterall, they will never be this age again. But I think I'm going to let myself off the hook. Because parenting is a job. A HARD job. And just like any other job, sometimes you watch the clock till quittin time and want nothing but a stiff drink after.

The problem is, we see into each others life a LOT more than we used to thanks to facebook and blogging. And it APPREARS no one else has these days. We tend to update and blog only about our happy times or our proud moments. But, this blog has ALWAYS been honest. Sometimes UGLY honest. So, I'm blogging today to publicly admit, my weekend as a parent was an "Epic Fail!". I'll try again today. Except I still don't feel well, but I'll do all I can.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What it's like being a mom...

If you are ever wondering if you want to have kids-

Begin carrying around a 20 pound bag of potatoes, EVERY WHERE YOU GO. And duct tape another bag on your leg, to represent your first born. Practice doing everything like this, cleaning, cooking, getting yourself dressed, going to the bathroom (including wiping), make-up, EVERYTHING. Rather than putting on your favorite perfume, replace with some catfish bate to represent the smell of spit up, puke and poopy diapers. Turn on your TV to Nick Jr. Leave it on all day, so you get familiar with all the jingles and theme songs, after all, those WILL be the songs playing through your head ALL DAY LONG. Give up your favorite radio station. Play only ONE CD. ALL THE TIME. You may be lucky and get to listen to Dave Matthews, but ONLY Dave Matthews. Begin to wake up every hour of the night for 45 minutes. Do this for about three weeks, so that you get good and sleep deprived.

Use dollar bills as toilet paper, so you can get the feel for paying for diapers, letting someone crap in them and throwing them in the trash. Only eat half your food and throw the rest out, to get the idea of what it's like having your toddler eat half or more of anything you DO ACTUALLY get a chance to eat. Stop using your backseat for friends, luggage, groceries, whatever, and every time you want to leave the house, buckle those bags of potatoes in the seat and get them out when you arrive at your destination and put them back when you want to leave. Talk to those bags the entire trip, explain what everything you pass is, find the moon, a school bus, a cow, and moo at it of course.

Sit down 8 times a day and imagine you are feeding a baby doll, because that is at least how many times two kids eat. Put on some nipple clamps with weights and pull for 20 minutes at least 6 times a day to prep for breastfeeding or pumping. Start doing a load of laundry EVERYDAY. Even if you don't have things that are dirty, find something to wash. GIVE 2-3 baths a day to your dog and hope for just one for yourself. Double your grocery bill, cut in half you "fun" budget, only buy clothes that are for tiny people. Oh, and if you want to go out on a Friday night, start throwing 7-10 dollars out the window each hour. Do the same when you go to work. EVERY HOUR YOU ARE GONE.

Scatter your shoes all over the house so you get used to picking up your feet when you walk. In addition to the Nick Jr on TV, put Jeopardy on another TV. You must answer EVERY question they ask. Even if you don't know the answer, or don't understand the question, repeat the question, then give an answer. Get used to constant conversation. Constant interruption. When you talk with your girl friends, only talk about things like your sleep habits, poop, how tired you are, b/c that'll be about the only things you'll talk about with adults for the first few years. And do your socializing while STILL repeating and answering those Jeopardy questions. Stop wearing jewelry, it'll get chewed on, cute clothes at home, they will get spit up on, low rise jeans, your butt crack WILL show.

Wash sheets every other day, brush your dogs teeth two times every time you brush, dress up the dog in the morning and again at night, and maybe 1-2 times throughout the day, it will wiggle and squirm as much as a child. When you are in between towns with no gas station in sight, because the only two got blown away by a tornado, stop on the side of the road to pee. EVERY TIME. Even if it's dark.

When grocery shopping, start explaining to yourself what everything is that you pass or buy. Don't use the "seat" for groceries, it will be full. As soon as you get groceries bagged, paid for and loaded, take a potty break. Have someone rearrange your IPhone apps daily so you can't find anything. For fun start going to the park, cartoon movies, the zoo, rather than nice dinners, concerts, happy hours.

Wake up an extra 1.5 hours early if you want to make it to work on time. USe your nipple clamp device for 20 minutes, get yourself ready, dress the dog twice, brush his teeth twice, brush his hair twice, make him two lunches, take him out to potty three times, feed him three times, load up your potatoes in the car, run back in because you forgot YOUR lunch AND breakfast, turn on THE CD, answer 20 Jeopardy questions, unload your potatoes, take them somewhere, and head to work. But don't forget, throw your money out the window on the way! While at work, worry about those potatoes the whole time. You might even want to call and check on them.

Every time you sit down to get something done, pay bills, blog, write a grocery list, get up ever 5 minutes and tend to something else. Get used to everything taking twice as long.

Start looking at ingredients in everything, wonder what is in each item you put in your mouth, wash your hands twice as often, watch your language, set examples, and NEVER waste ANY TIME.

Oh, and don't forget to take care of your husband and fit in time to workout.

And get used to the CRAZY idea that it will ALL be worth it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And the search continues....

Last night, Carson came stairs and proudly announced, "MOM! I peed in my dump truck!" "WHAT? WHY?" I exclaimed. "Don't worry" Carson said while holding his hand in the air in consoling fashion, "I can dump it out."

Of COURSE he can dump it out. THAT'S why his chose to pee in his DUMP TRUCK. Seriously? So, I went upstairs and looked EVERYWHERE for this pee. It WAS in his dumptruck. I could see that wetness, however, I could see no MORE wetness....

I checked the couches.

I checked the floors.

I checked other trucks.

I have no clue where he dumped this pee. Josh suggested the toilet. Duh. But no way to know that. And really, if the kid pees in the DUMP TRUCK do you really think he wiould dump it in the TOILET? I dont think so. We are talking about a kid who opens the back door, does NOT take a STEP outside and pees. On the porch. FROM MY DINING ROOM. I'm doubting the toilet is where he put it.

But WHERE did he dump it?

Oh and Josh was out of town for this one... Lyla was ready for bed. So she was crying the whole time. Quiet a scene.

Let's Get it Started

Well, it's half way through January and I actually got my Christmas blog up, and I'm pretty behind updating all the crazy stuff in our life.

We have a lot of sad things happening right now, Josh's grandpa was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a while back, and things were getting pretty bad, we had a great early Christmas with him and the rest of the family, however he has been in the hospital since. It is an ugly ugly disease with no cure and I am so sad for Josh and his family having to lose such a great man like this.

We also have LOTS of wonderful happy things going on in our world. First, Josh's and my NY resolution is simple: Enjoy everyday. We are both set up in jobs that we love, that gives us some control over our lives, that we work hard at, while being good parents. So, we will enjoy everyday. Time at work, time with kids, time taking care of business, we want to enjoy it all.

Part of enjoying life, is figuring out how to overcome obstacles. Latest obstacle: Carson pooping in his pull up at night. NOT COOL. SOLUTION: Good Ol' bribery! We told Carson if he went one week without pooping in his pull-up that he would get a surprise. SO. For a full week, he woke up every morning and proceeded to moon me in order to show he did NOT have a poop in his pull-up. Everyday he was clean, he got a smiley face on the calendar. (also getting to practice our days, numbers and months this way) On Saturday he got the big surprise, an OU basketball game! He was so proud and excited!

The kids did great at the game. Carson LOVES cheering for OU, even when the team is terrible. He hasn't really grasped winning yet, thank God. During the game, he got fixated on Cade Davis. So afterwards we waited in the LONG line to get autographs from the team. While in line, Carson made friends with kids all around us of course, and was the leader in scaring off the security guard who refereed to himself as the "Bad Guy". Carson told all his friends that he would just say "BOOOOOOO" to the bad guy. He also asked every other guard who came by their name and asked if they were also a bad guy.

Once we made it to the players C's personality continued to shine. This is how it went:
C: "What's your name"
Bball player: "My name is ... What's yours?"
C: "My name is Carson. No poo poo in my pull up"
For every single player. Even for the highlight, CADE DAVIS, who seemed to get a kick out of him like every single player did.

Since we made such an impression, we stuck around for a pic. After all, his name did inspire Lyla's (she was supposed to be a little boy, named Cade...)

The "Bad Guy" did strongly enforce a NO PICTURES policy, "DO NOT ASK THE PLAYERS TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOUR CHILDREN" but he is in the background of this picture, and as you can see, Carson won him over as well.

Other happenings, both children are going to Mothers Day Out. Both are doing GREAT! Lyla apparently, "NEVER cries" and is "The most well adjusted baby we have ever seen". So, my fears about that are over. Carson is "the most SUAVE kid I have ever seen" his teacher says. She was referring to the drill he goes through when he wants more food, water or whatever. I'll describe it using a school scene, it goes like this:
C: "Ms. Summer, can I have more goldfish"
Ms. S: "No Carson, but thank you for asking"
C: "Your w'com. But I need just a lil more"
Ms. S: "No Carson. You've had enough. But thank you"
C: "I need just a leeettle more" (showing how little with his fingers, up by his mouth, face squinted)
Ms. S: "No Carson. You can have more tomorrow."
THEN, he goes all "Puss in Boots" with his eyes, I mean it's good too, you can almost see the tail between the legs and him holding a little hat.
C: "Pleeeeease. It'll make me happy"

And that's what I deal with ALL. THE. TIME. It's funny, but does not work on me!

So that's about it for this New Year. Great start. Sad start. Counting blessings daily.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas/Birthday Tour 2010

This Christmas was an extra special Christmas to me and my family. It was our first Christmas as a complete family. All four pieces of our pie were together, healthy and HAPPY. We began celebrating Christmas this year the first day of Advent season. We try VERY hard, and do succeed most days, to do a family Christmas activity every evening. Well, the members of the family who can stay awake past 6:30 that is. This year our Advent activities included things such as, our annual window decorating event, hot cider by the fire, singing Christmas carols to the guitar, again by the fire, visiting Santa, reading The Night Before Christmas, Gingerbread house decorating, looking at Christmas lights, watching a Christmas movie, reading a Christmas story, decorating Christmas cookies, having a Christmas party, opening one early present, buying gifts for someone else in need, etc, etc. Although this tradition does take some work, dedication, planning, and almost burns us out by the time Christmas DOES come, this is a tradition I plan to continue as long as my kids are around. I am already planning my homemade Advent Calendar for next year!

Josh "surprised" me this year with an early Christmas present. I write "surprise" because he is the worst EVER at "surprises". The morning of the surprise, he asked me what was for dinner, when I told him, he said, "eh" strange and I got suspicious. Then when I was getting dressed for work, he suggested I not wear jeans. And that did it. By the time I got in my car I knew, he had gotten me Trans Siberian Orchestra tickets. And when I got home from work, he had sitters all lined up and off we went! He wasn't too happy I figured it out, but he was happy by the end of our dinner at the Melting Pot. That place is FAN-TAS-TIC! We really enjoyed 2/3's of the concert. I loved the Christmasy part, but then it got a little too 80's hair band for us. BUT, it was still a GREAT show and dang near 3 HOURS of entertainment. I had been wanting to go there for so many years and we just kept letting it slip by us. I am very thankful my sweet husband didn't let it slip by again.

Our actual Christmas celebrating began on December 18th. We had my dad and his side of the family over for a "Dumplin' Christmas". Actually, I just made up that name, but I think I'll use it again next year. Josh made Chicken & Dumplins from my families cookbook, I made 2 pies, 1 edible, also from the book, AND cheese garlic biscuits, again all from the family cookbook. My grandmother De brought wine and her ever so yummy cheese balls, and we had a great time! Carson got a "BOUNCY THING" (bounce house) from my Dad. He was THRILLED! He asks for it everyday! My cousins little boy was also down so the boys had a ball in the backyard bouncing and bouncing. My aunt Vicki even got in for some bouncing fun. Everyone stayed and chatted most the day before having to leave. Once everyone left, we began cleaning and regrouping, because we had another Christmas the next day.

On the 19th, we headed to Duncan for the Cox/Darter Christmas(Josh's grandpa and his sister's families). Once that was over we went to Kathy's (Josh's mom's) for Christmas with that family. We had a great time watching Carson and "Lyla" open their presents. They got all kinds of cute clothes and fun toys. This night was also special to Josh, because he got to be together with his family, including his grandfather, for what may have been the last time.

The next week was a break. Other than our advent activities of course. Then on the 24th we headed up to my mom's for Christmas with her followed by Christmas dinner with her family. We had another great day watching the babies open gifts and catching up with family. My aunt and uncle and cousin from Texas were in town, so that was really great. Once again, my kids got a TON of great gifts that I'm not sure if they were really good enough to deserve ;)

THEN. On Christmas day. WE STAYED HOME! We had an absolutely WONDERFUL morning, seriously, the WHOLE morning, from 7:30-11:00! We actually had to wake Carson up at 7:30 because Lyla woke up at 6 and she was getting tired. Santa came to see the kids again, and was extra good to them. And we don't buy for our kids during the year, so we like to be extra good to them on Christmas also. C was too sweet always passing out gifts, and showing interest in what the rest of us got. And of course, always playing with every toy he got or his sister got before moving on to the next ones. We enjoyed bubble bread and coffee, a visit from my dad, naps in the afternoon, a trip to Midwest City to see lights, and our annual holiday Hold Em game. I can't say it's our annual Christmas game, but my brother and I have been playing over either Thanksgiving or Christmas for years, so we are glad we snuck it in there. We had friends who weren't able to go home for Christmas over, so it was real nice.

Sunday we had more guests. Josh's mom and grandmother came down to see what the kids got for Christmas. We had a nice time visiting that afternoon. Then the next day was time for Christmas removal, because we had a birthday to celebrate.

The 27th, I removed ALL signs of Christmas and got ready for C's BDay party. I like to attempt to make my kids cakes, so we also had THREE Walmart trips getting that all done. On the 28th, the bid day, Dillon and I decorated during their naps, then everyone arrived around 2. We had one last family celebration at home. I thought I could save money one last time before he realizes he's getting screwed. However, I think I spent just as much between the cake, decorations, snacks, drinks, etc.......

All in all, GREAT CHRISTMAS! I am so excited we took the "Stay at Home" plunge this year. We will have more fun every year! Here are some pics of our celebrations!

On Christmas night we look at lights, this year in MWC, Lyla was NOT excited. It was bedtime:

They love to wrestle:

Playing firman-doctor:

We have our traditional bubble bread, remains on face:

He wants to be a doctor:

Lil Bit and her kitchen her daddy got her:


Explaining to C that gifts are for certain people, not just for anyone he hands it to:

Funny face:

Buzz and Woody:

Love those legs and feet!

HELP! I'm falling!

Sweet girl and her favorite gift from her Great Grandma:

He wanted a blue boat, this is all Santa could find in blue, but he loved it:

My babies:

I was in Lyla's way:

We had a lot of snuggle time because C slept in, ON CHRISTMAS:

Daddy feeding L:

Christmas at KK's:

Ready to go to Duncan for Christmas:

Christmas w my dad's family:

Sweet PJ's:

Sweet PJ's:

Sweet PJ's:

Sweet PJ's:

He LOVES airplanes:


My dad got him a BOUNCY THING! He was PUMPED!

He got a pirate outfit at Kammies!

Christmas songs by the fire:

Carson even got to play:

Christmas party:


C doesn't like to smile right for pics any more... :(

C and two of his great grandmothers:

He loves horns!

Cake I made: