Christmas this year was much less crazy and much more enjoyable this year than others we have had. We started the season off like normal, decorating the house.
This was extra fun this year because Carson actually helped me out while I decoated.
We then continued our tradition of having family advent activities every night. Well, almost every night, we did take a break when we took our cruise. But even on the cruiser, C got to be in a Christmas play and visit Santa! Other advent activities this year included, Christmas carols, hot chocolate by the fire, pictures with Santa, letter to Santa, Christmas movie night, painting our windows (a Carson favorite!), we hosted a Christmas, we donated money for others Christmas, and a night learning about our new family visitor, Crispy the Elf, which was a gift from Josh's grandmother.
J and I decided to limit the number of Christmas celebrations we have in one year and we saved them all up until two days before Christmas. Then we took off. First stop was my mom's house. We joined my mom and my grandmother for yummy food and lots of gifts. Big hits included C's Batmobil, C's dinosaur park, army men, Lyla's pots and pans, her stuffed cat, sun glasses and a new baby. We got home that night, unloaded and got to bed to hop up the next day to go to Josh's mom's house.
We joined J's mom and her side of the family for lunch and more gifts. Big hits were C's guitar, another baby, cute clothes and movies. We then went home to get ready for Santa.
This year, C had reindeer food from school to put out for Santa's reindeer, C was also very careful about picking Santa's snacks. The kiddo's both climbed in Lyla's "big girl" bed which she wasn't sleeping in yet, to listen to Josh read the Christmas story as well as The Night Before Christmas.
This year was also the first time it was tough getting C to go down because he was SOOOO excited. So, he ended up falling asleep in my bed while J and I did some last minute things ;) to get ready for the big day.
J & I had a great time making sure things were pretty and ready while enjoying a little Christmas time with just us. We got to bed around midnight and got an early 6am wake up from C, who was wanting to "go see if Santa liked his snack." He is so sweet. I snuck out leaving C in my room with J, got Lyla, brought her in the room, turned on some music, started coffee, got my video camera, and my regular camera then told the kiddos to come out.
And man were they excited!
C had been wanting Santa to bring him drums and a toothbrush. And Santa DID! And C also wanted Santa to bring L a kitchen, with a grill for him, and Santa DID! They played with each others Santa gifts for a while before ever getting into their stockings...
However, they soon moved on. C didn't get a toothbrush from Santa because Santa know he just got a new one at the dentis, but he did get some flossers...
Carson was very excited about everything he got, but had to keep drumming in between, and cooking. He was so sweet helping his sister open her gifts and wanting to see everything she got. Little bit had gotten down opening gifts by this point and was so sweet wanting her daddy to help her with everything, including little play jewelry...
We got lots of kissed and hugs and cuddles and enjoyed the morning SO. After gifts, bubble bread and a little clean up we all got ready and went to church, came back and spent the rest of the day playing and straightening up and cooking for another Christmas the next day.
Here are some more pics of Christmas morning:
By noon the next day our tree was once again surrounded by gifts
and my home was full of people laughing eating and drinking on my "awesome" homemade sangria. (I actually ruined it by putting the Ginger Ale in it the night before, but my family is not picky, lol). We had J's homemade chicken and dumplins, lots of candies, fudge, chips, dips, sausage, and of course opened lots of gifts. Big hits were the quiet impressive clothes my DAD picked out for L, C's remote control car and my dads, I mean, Josh's, or Dillon's, oh YES CARSON'S remote helicopter. This helicopter is bought every year, the big boys fly it all around crashing it into walls and usually breaking it before C ever gets to try. I THINK it survived this year...
That evening we caught our breath. I honestly can't remember the 27th, I have NO clue what went on that day. But I DO know that I decided last minute to make C some cupcakes for his birthday the next day.
I know I know, why was this a last minute decision? Well, we had his bday party in MEXICO and I was determined to let that be IT. BUT, we did need to let family come wish him happy birthday, so we had a come and go the 28th. We had not given C his bday present yet, so we decided to let him open that up before J went to work. He had been asking for "boots like Casen's" for a year and I made him ask for them for his birthday (trying to teach patience) and the day had arrived!
I did a HORRIBLE job of taking pics this day, but her are a few...
Love this pic of my dad and L bc I have one like it from when I was her age.
So that wraps up the Christmas/Birthday Tour 2011. I loved every second with my sweet children. THEY are what make Christmas.
I can now finally start blogging for 2012!
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