Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stella & Dot

So, I mentioned in previous blogs that I have decided to be a stylist for Stella & Dot. When I first heard of this, well, I had no idea what it was. My friend Erin decided to sell it, and I was like, "ok have fun with that burden". Next thing I know, she's making enough to pay her mortgage and looking better than ever in this fantastic jewelry. So I started asking questions... first, how much to start...she told my only $199 and that included $350 in free jewelry...then I asked how much I am required to sell...she told me only $300 per QUARTER! So, I was in. THEN I went to one of her shows and saw the pieces in person, and I got EXCITED! This stuff is really really cool. There are pieces for everyone! From little girls to your grandmother. I fell in love! And I've even been able to get things going with all the other craziness in my life.

I have had the best time getting everything up and running! I have my launch show this Friday at my friend Erin's house, in Norman. She was nice to loan me her home since I don't have one yet. People have already began ordering online. It is just so much fun! I'm really excited about this fun and fashionable way to make extra money!

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