Friday, November 18, 2011

19 months- a month later than planned...

I don't blog about my kids nearly enough. Especially since I do not scrapbook, so this is kinda it. So, I was really disappointed when I realized this week that Lyla turned 19 months old and that I didn't blog about her at 18 months old like I had planned. I guess the reason why is that I don't really know what to say. All I really know to say is that it's going TOO fast. I should say size stats, Lyla was 21 pounds at her check-up. Pretty pumped she grew. She's still on the small side of the growth chart. Which is fine. After all, it would be sad if she grows up with the nickname "Lil Bit" and turns out to be a "Big Bit"... She is still the sweetest thing I have ever met, but is learning quickly how to get attention and how to get her way. Let's just say she has strong opinions. She still loves to be the baby. She loves to be carried every where still. She still loves to cuddle and is FINALLY allowing us to rock her a little before bed. She won't let herself fall asleep though. She doesn't like that. She will rock and the sit up and say "Yiunnadoe night night" (I want to go night night). She then smiles while we lay her in her crib and cover her up. It's the sweetest part of my day.

Lyla doesn't seem to have quiet as many words as C did at this point, he had almost 100. But she tries sentences a lot more than he ever did. And she will attempt any word you ask her, so if I wrote down everything she CAN say, she'd probablly be close, but she doesn't really NEED to talk, C never stops long enough to give her a chance.

Speaking of C, Lyla does EVERY SINGLE thing he does. If he jumps, she tries to jump, if he cries, she cries, if he gives me kisses, well you get the point. She ADORES him. The first thing she says in the morning is "I yunt BUBBA!" The second is "I yunt Peppa" (Peppa Pig is her MOST favorite show!) Lyla loves babies. Real or pretend. She is so sweet as she pats them and kisses them. It's really sad because she would make a great big sister, but I'm not having another baby unless I can experience it from the dads point of view. So she's out of luck. But I'm sure she will make a great babysitter someday.

Lyla is good at making me be the mom she needs me to be. She will play and play and then she needs me. And there is NO putting her off. She comes at me with those little arms stretched way up in the air or she will back into me and sit in my lap. She still sucks her two fingers so when she cuddles in your arms you remember how it was when she was oh so small.

Lyla has been going to Mothers Day Out since she was 9 months old. I didn't like doing that, but financially at the time and lack of sitters forced me to do it. But she LOVES it. She has the best and most loving teacher. She reaches for her every morning. Some mornings she cries for me, but stops before I hit the door. Picking her up is my favorite part of the day. Seeing her play with her friends then drop everything to yell "MAMA" and laugh with joy (she kinda has a crazy woman laugh that is HILARIOUS!). She then YELLS "BYE BYE" at everyone she knows. So SWEET.

Lyla is a great eater. When she is done she waves those sweet little hands in the air and says "All done" or "Ta Da!". Love it. She loves being dressed up and getting her hair brushed. She loves bows and shoes. And of course, anything that is Carsons. She is a tough little cookie. She wrestles and shoves her brother off anything she wants. She is gonna have a little fight in her. Which is fine. She won't be very big. She has a VERY mean look she can pull out when she needs it. Always handy for any girl to have I guess. She loves my phone because she can play "Bubbles". She has learned to sometimes enjoy saying "cheeeeese" for the camera. However, most of the time, never for my good one, only for my phone camera.

Lyla is becoming less shy. She is realizing that she is super cute and starting to show off a little for strangers who are willing to give her attention. It's funny. She flirts a little. No clue where she got that ;). She loves loves loves to dance and to listen to music real loud in the car. Her favorite song is "Stuck Like Glue" she sings along. It's so funny. She is VERY pigeon toed. Found out that runs in the family. My uncle said my dad was "retarded as hell" (lol) and had to wear special shoes, yes, like Forest Gump. J and I grew out of ours without special assistance. Thank goodness. She tells me when she has a wet or dirty diaper. However, I am in NO hurry for two potty trained kids, so she's stuck a while. We can barely get from point A to point B as is without stopping for C to pee, so L is just gonna have to wait. Afterall, she's only 19 months. Diapers are easy. In fact, I'm thinking about making C wear one on our drive to Galveston in a few weeks... that's bad right?...Tell me not to do that. I can just give him a bottle to go in instead. ;)

Well, I guess I had lots to say. Lyla is an angel. And growing too fast. But everytime she grows more I love her more, so I guess it's ok.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Is off to a bumpy start. No seriously. We were woken up by an earthquake two nights in a row. The first night, was quick. J and I jumped out of bed and ran in circles trying to figure out what blew into our house or what blew up. Only when we turned to facebook did we find out that is was actually a 4.2 (or something) earthquake. In OKLAHOMA.

Then Saturday night J had just gotten in bed, I was passed out from lack of sleep from the night before, when boooommmm again. This time it lasted what seemed like FOREVER. I think it was only a minute, but it was seriously one of the scariest moments of my life. J and I ran to our kids hall, completely expecting them to be awake. After all, it was LOUD. and we were SHAKING. They slept through it. But we were shook up.

So, we got on facebook to find out that it was a 5.6. I'll just say that I don't want to feel ANY bigger. The rest of the night was spent trying to fall asleep, once we would, an aftershock would hit. not cool.

At one point C came in, between aftershocks, and said he was scared of a monster. This was normal, so I assumed he actually didn't feel anything, after all, he slept through the other two. I just kept thinking how happy I was that he didn't get what was going on b/c I didn't want him to feel as scared as I was.

I think there were something like 20 earthquakes in all, or more. We felt them getting ready for church, in the afternoon, evening. Even got to see the damage at a local college where they had part of their building fall. However, J was proud to find out that he did build an "Earthquake proof swing set". ha.

This afternoon I asked C why he slept in our room. He said he was scared. I asked why. He said "well, because the floor was shaking." Guess it didn't slip by after all. :(

Turns out I am an earthquake chicken! Earthquakes and roller coasters are NOT my thing. Apparently I like to be on solid STILL ground. I am just hoping that this crazy paranoia ends soon. Any noise I hear I'm afraid another is coming, yes you can hear them COMING. Every time I am shaken, like at church by the guys foot behind me, I get that creepy feeling all over again. And I don't really want to go to sleep, because it is NOT a good thing to wake up to. Earthquakes just suck. You don't know when they are coming or when they are gonna STOP. not cool.

Sure hope November smooths out...

It's the most wonderful month of the year

I LOVE October! We get a break from the heat, a break from school, a lot of football, and what is growing to be my ABSOLUTE favorite holiday, Halloween!
Here's a quick look at our October:
Early OCtober, my dad brought C a sling shot and a "hunting hat". C was so thrilled he decided he wanted pictures.

Then, it was the greatest day of my life. Just kidding. Well, maybe not. I finally got to dress my little girl up like an OU cheerleader. I was thrilled. Little bit enjoyed it as well. And once again, C was willing to take pictures.

We then got all fancy for Carson's Jessie's wedding. C looked SO handsome in a suit...

Then J took an afternoon off during Fall Break and we all went to check out the Orr Family Farm. It was SO nice. It felt like we were in Katy again. It was so clean and well kept. The kids loved it. I think we found a fall tradition! C LOVED the huge bouncing pillows and the giant slide. We took a train ride and a hay ride. And of course, took a lot of pictures. They were NOT in the picture mood that day. This is C mid complaint...

I LOVE their matching expressions here...

Lil bit looked a lot cuter, but it was HOT and I had a sweater and a coat over this shirt...

On October 30th, my cousin Krisiana and I pulled off a suprise party for my grandmother, DeDe. Here's some cute pics of my kids from that day.

And then there was HALLOWEEN!!! This is becoming my favorite holiday as an adult because all the other ones involve guilt. Guilt over not being able to spend time with everyone in our family who wants us to spend time with them. Halloween is just about the kids having fun and us having fun with them. I JUST LOVE IT. C got to pick what he wanted to be this year for the first time, and he chose to be a pirate, for the second time. He also wanted Lyla to be one as well. While this was kinda against everything I had wanted, I gave up my dream of a little cute cuddley bunny or something and let my baby girl be a pirate.

And once again, C was WANTING his picture taken.

Until I asked for one sitting down that is...

C got to trick or treat this year. It was SUPER sweet. She would "say" trick-or=treat sometimes, but mostly she just said "ARG" and laughed to everyone she saw.

We tried to hit up a party after a pit stop at the Rollins house, but you know my kids, it was like after 7, so L fell apart and we had to go home to go to sleep. Maybe next year we will trick-or-treat in the DARK...