Friday, February 10, 2012

And so it begins...

This week, both my four year old and my 1 year old began something that I am just not ready for. They showed REAL interest in their clothing for different reasons.

First thing that happened was with Lyla. I had carried her to the closet to pick out her shoes. I grabbed a pair that would match and went back to the changing table. She started screaming on the way there for "pink shoes!" I tried to put her silver ones on and she grabbed them and threw them on the ground and yelled again for her pink ones. I let her walk back to the closet to show me what she wanted and she grabbed her pink Crocs, put them on, and said "there." REALLY? She's ONE!

The second thing that happened was with C. It actually got cold here this week, so of COURSE I thought he should wear a coat to school. Well, it was quiet the fight, but I got him in it. As soon as we walked in school he shook it off. I asked why he didn't want to wear it and he said "because my friends will laugh at me." WHAT??? You're FOUR! And a BOY! "What coat do you want to wear?" I asked. "A green one" C replied...

That afternoon I was determined to get to the bottom of this so I asked C why he thought his friends would laugh at him. And he told me "Cason thinks it makes silly sounds". When I explained that Cason was NOT laughing at him by saying his puffy coat makes silly sounds, his response was "You are right Mom. Cason's my best friend. He wouldn't laugh at me." So I thought I was done there. Patted myself on the back for clearing that up and moved on thinking the coat thing was behind us.

The next day- still no coat. He wanted a green one. So,I have decided to give up this battle for now. I'm just NOT gonna go buy him a "green coat" that he thinks his friends won't laugh at. I just don't think swooping down and spending money to fix the problem WILL fix the problem. I think that being the "Parent to the Rescue" will only set expectations I can't always meet and make him expectant of all his desires. BESIDES, the next day, he insisted on wearing his KD JERSEY and blue SHORTS and COWBOY BOOTS to school when it was 34 degrees. I don't really think fashion is the issue here...

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