Thursday, March 8, 2012


I had to take a minute to blog this morning before diving in to essays from my online class (yikes!) not because I'm feeling overwhelmed and frusterated by my kids but because I am having one of those days that I just feel thankful, and for strange things. I realized this morning that there are some things my kids do that on most days annoy me, or GET annoying, but that real soon won't happen and I'll be lonely.

For example, SOMEDAY, I will be lonely when I take a bath. All by myself. With no little heads peeping over the top or asking if they can wash my back or get in. I'll be wastful when I don't "recycle" my bath water b/c Carson wants to get in THAT water to take HIS bath. I'll be super lonely and bored on those days J goes to work early and I get up on a day off and don't have to make two breakfasts, two drinks, two hot chocolates, change diapers or have TWO sweet babies fighting to sit on my lap.

I am going to be so lonely driving around town running my errands without answering 100 quetions from the backseat. I'll be lonely going to the gym all by myself, grocery shopping alone,or having a meal. It'll be so strange to listen to my music, watch my shows, be out of the house after dark. I won't get compliments every morning about my shoes, or my sweater, or my hair. I won't get to wake up in the morning to an additional person in my bed. And what will I do when I have to go to the BATHROOM by myself?!?!?!

So today, rather than being frusterated because I have NO alone time. I choose to realize that someday I will miss it, I will be lonely, and that I need to soak it up right now.

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