Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My name is Kendall...and I'm an addict.

It began when I moved to Katy. I left the job I loved, the people I loved, a dog I loved, and was left alone because my husband's job required him to live three hours away. At first I started to fill the time, feel connected, basically, just to have something to do. But it got worse. I started in the morning. Sometimes before I even got out of bed. Probablly three more times before lunch, all afternoon, the urge consumed me. It was just so simple. Always within reach. So simple... But then my husband started to notice. So I began to hide it more. I knew there was a problem when I learned that he could not hear me open it if I did things just right. I'd make an excuse to go into a room alone, or spend extra time in the bathroom. I'd lie about how many times a day I had. Telling him, it's just when I'm bored. It was starting to come between us. But all I had to do was pick up my IPhone and select my Facebook App.

Suddenly, I felt that all 300 plus friends needed to know what I was doing at all times of the day. Why? I don't know. It seems kinda silly that we advirtise our daily activities- Kendall is getting up early.... Kendall is eatting now... Kendall has no life. But what if someone else posted something that was actually INTERESTING??? I have to know!

I now know more about some of my "friends" than I knew about them when they were my "friends" back in high school. I communicate with people I would otherwise never talk with due to life/location/schedules, I can share the sweet moments with my son with hundreds of people that would otherwise only be shared with him, AND I LIKE IT!

So I admit, I'm a Facebook Addict. But I can honestly say, for the first time in my life, that is the only thing I have a "problem" with.

1 comment:

  1. lori_tagen@yahoo.comDecember 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM

    I really like this! It is so cool how we can all reconnect ten years later in our busy lives!your baby is beautiful!
