Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let's Get it Started

Well, it's half way through January and I actually got my Christmas blog up, and I'm pretty behind updating all the crazy stuff in our life.

We have a lot of sad things happening right now, Josh's grandpa was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a while back, and things were getting pretty bad, we had a great early Christmas with him and the rest of the family, however he has been in the hospital since. It is an ugly ugly disease with no cure and I am so sad for Josh and his family having to lose such a great man like this.

We also have LOTS of wonderful happy things going on in our world. First, Josh's and my NY resolution is simple: Enjoy everyday. We are both set up in jobs that we love, that gives us some control over our lives, that we work hard at, while being good parents. So, we will enjoy everyday. Time at work, time with kids, time taking care of business, we want to enjoy it all.

Part of enjoying life, is figuring out how to overcome obstacles. Latest obstacle: Carson pooping in his pull up at night. NOT COOL. SOLUTION: Good Ol' bribery! We told Carson if he went one week without pooping in his pull-up that he would get a surprise. SO. For a full week, he woke up every morning and proceeded to moon me in order to show he did NOT have a poop in his pull-up. Everyday he was clean, he got a smiley face on the calendar. (also getting to practice our days, numbers and months this way) On Saturday he got the big surprise, an OU basketball game! He was so proud and excited!

The kids did great at the game. Carson LOVES cheering for OU, even when the team is terrible. He hasn't really grasped winning yet, thank God. During the game, he got fixated on Cade Davis. So afterwards we waited in the LONG line to get autographs from the team. While in line, Carson made friends with kids all around us of course, and was the leader in scaring off the security guard who refereed to himself as the "Bad Guy". Carson told all his friends that he would just say "BOOOOOOO" to the bad guy. He also asked every other guard who came by their name and asked if they were also a bad guy.

Once we made it to the players C's personality continued to shine. This is how it went:
C: "What's your name"
Bball player: "My name is ... What's yours?"
C: "My name is Carson. No poo poo in my pull up"
For every single player. Even for the highlight, CADE DAVIS, who seemed to get a kick out of him like every single player did.

Since we made such an impression, we stuck around for a pic. After all, his name did inspire Lyla's (she was supposed to be a little boy, named Cade...)

The "Bad Guy" did strongly enforce a NO PICTURES policy, "DO NOT ASK THE PLAYERS TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOUR CHILDREN" but he is in the background of this picture, and as you can see, Carson won him over as well.

Other happenings, both children are going to Mothers Day Out. Both are doing GREAT! Lyla apparently, "NEVER cries" and is "The most well adjusted baby we have ever seen". So, my fears about that are over. Carson is "the most SUAVE kid I have ever seen" his teacher says. She was referring to the drill he goes through when he wants more food, water or whatever. I'll describe it using a school scene, it goes like this:
C: "Ms. Summer, can I have more goldfish"
Ms. S: "No Carson, but thank you for asking"
C: "Your w'com. But I need just a lil more"
Ms. S: "No Carson. You've had enough. But thank you"
C: "I need just a leeettle more" (showing how little with his fingers, up by his mouth, face squinted)
Ms. S: "No Carson. You can have more tomorrow."
THEN, he goes all "Puss in Boots" with his eyes, I mean it's good too, you can almost see the tail between the legs and him holding a little hat.
C: "Pleeeeease. It'll make me happy"

And that's what I deal with ALL. THE. TIME. It's funny, but does not work on me!

So that's about it for this New Year. Great start. Sad start. Counting blessings daily.

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