Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Epic FAIL!

I'm not going to lie, I have never used this term. I am not even sure if I am using it right. I now know how my parents felt trying to keep up with our lingo. But I am pretty sure, "Epic Fail" is how I would describe my parenting this weekend.

You see, I am jus tnot feelign well. Not bad enough to stay in bed or anything, just not good. I am fighting a cold and not winning. And my kids seem to make it worse. I know. HORRIBLE thing to say. But if you think that bad, then stop reading!

The last three days it seems I can't get my kids to bed soon enough. I don't want to play with them. I don't want to play repeat and answer the question. I just want Carson to talk with an INSIDE VOICE. I do NOT have patience for Carson to "do it mine self" and I don't feel like tempers. I JUST DON'T FEEL GOOD ENOUGH.

Every night I have put them down a little early and then done NOTHING. Well, nothing except feel bad for rushing them to bed and not enjoying them. Afterall, they will never be this age again. But I think I'm going to let myself off the hook. Because parenting is a job. A HARD job. And just like any other job, sometimes you watch the clock till quittin time and want nothing but a stiff drink after.

The problem is, we see into each others life a LOT more than we used to thanks to facebook and blogging. And it APPREARS no one else has these days. We tend to update and blog only about our happy times or our proud moments. But, this blog has ALWAYS been honest. Sometimes UGLY honest. So, I'm blogging today to publicly admit, my weekend as a parent was an "Epic Fail!". I'll try again today. Except I still don't feel well, but I'll do all I can.

1 comment:

  1. I have moments...no wait, DAYS like that all the time.

    I agree that blog land is la la land. Sometimes reading blogs makes me feel like a complete failure. But I'm not. And YOU AREN'T EITHER. You are a GREAT mama.

