Friday, April 29, 2011


Perhaps the best gift God gives us mothers....

The ability to forget the pain of pregnancy- well maybe not ENTIRELY- but enough to be dumb enough to do it again...The ability to forget the pain of childbirth. The ability to forget the EXHAUSTION the first few weeks, the pain and discomfort of nursing/pumping, the ability to forget the frustrations earlier on in a day.

While looking at my sweet sleeping baby Carson last night, I went through my normal thoughts, main one being, WHY is this big body on my little baby? And why is my baby in this big bed. But the main thing I noticed last night, was how I could barely remember how frustrated I was just a few hours earlier. He looked like such a sweet angel and the ONLY thing I could remember was my love for him.

I'm pretty sure only our children can receive such instant forgiveness and unconditional love. I mean, I love Josh and all, but I may still be frustrated with him if I had spent the morning listening to him say "It's ok Kendall, I'm just puttin my foot on your face"...

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