Friday, February 4, 2011

Our escape!

Well, we ventured out at lunch today. I told Josh he HAD to get me out of this house. So my too sweet husband came home at lunch and put the car seat in his car and loaded us all up. Of course, he couldn't get up the drive so we had to hike down to the street. Which is kinda far, as far as neighborhoods go...

We had a great lunch. Had no problems on the road, other than the fact that they are terrible, we made it just fine. The problems didn't come until we got home. We headed up the drive, which is pretty steep, got stuck, rolled back, tried again, got stuck, rolled back, tried again, for about 5 times... Then we decided to get a running start at it, backed WAY up and yep! Got stuck. Tried to get unstuck, but couldn't go forward, got stuck again, further away from the house. I was filming all of this and rolling, but Josh was kinda mad and said I had to stop filming and not show anyone... sorry.... he said NOTHING about not blogging about our adventures....

We had a neighbor come by and try to help, but J ended up having to just back all the way down one street and go around. He made it back and once again, could NOT get up the drive. It's steep, like I said. So, he gives up, backs out and attempts to park on the curb, BUT GETS STUCK. LOL. He was mad again, I was laughing again. I mean, if you're gonna be stuck, be stuck 2 feet from your curb right?

Lyla fell asleep in the back.... I guess from all the rocking...

So, I guess since the only vehicle we had that had a chance out in this is now stuck in my street, we are stuck here now. For real. And we are out of food... Why am I STILL laughing???

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